Shop the seasons
Hi there! I'm Susan Turley.
When I started The Art Barn, it was out of passion and necessity. Being a new widow and raising our two young boys was a challenge. With the help and love of community and friends, we found our new normal more quickly. I’m a tough cookie, so I went into “go” mode, doing whatever it took to make things happen. I invited a few friends for a Wine and Paint night in my garage. The boys and I gutted and cleaned out a few days prior. We got old closet doors from a friend and made saw horses from 2×4’s I found in the backyard and made tables. I grabbed my kitchen chairs and bought a few more from the local thrift store then slapped some red paint and white trim on one exterior wall. The rest, as they say, is history!
What a ride! It’s a good thing I’m not a Merry-go-round kind of gal. I’m more of a roller coaster girl! I love that this is a place that continues to grow, where my friends and family can come to relax, visit, use their imagination, and create!
So no matter if you are at The Art Barn or here on this site, Welcome and come on in! Join us at 37225 Goodie Lane in Cherry Valley, CA!